Africa is full of dangerous animals, but none more so than the Hippo.  Paul Templer takes us through his survival story of nearly being eaten by a hippo. After spending most his twenties on the waters of the Zambezi river in Zimbabwe, he got to know some animals even more so than his own friends!  […]

High in the hills of the Burmese mountains is the setting where Burmese and foreigners stay for a week to do a seven day long meditation retreat. Now in 60th retreat, this seven day meditation retreat has proved to be popular; every year passes more and more people come.  A big draw for people are […]

Ever thought about volunteering in a monastery?  Then this experience could be the one for you. The Thabarwa monastery just outside Yangon is a refuge, where volunteers from all over the world help poor, handicapped and sick people. Thabarwa is run exclusively on donations and takes care of over 4000 people.  The monastery put special […]

A friend of the site has recently travelled to Myanmar to have an interview with a monk. Read Ozin’s transformation from normal life to Monk life and he has managed to adapt to different way of living. What led you to become a monk here in Myanmar? For a long time, I had been fed […]

Northern Thailand is absolutely spectacular.  It maybe tough cycling due to the mountainous landscape, but my god the views are well worth the effort! After leaving Siem Reap, from my cycling across Cambodia trip, I made my way through the mountains of Northern Thailand. What To Bring When Cycling And Camping In Thailand In every […]

The Hawaiian islands offer some of the best cliff jumping in the world. PLEASE NOTE – CLIFF DIVING IS VERY DANGEROUS, SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Here is a run down for the five best places for cliff diving in Hawaii. Laie Point This 30 ft nerve shredding jump, located on the north coast of the […]

Cycling around Angkor Wat is completely mesmerising, the 8th Century temple holds so many secrets that you unlock as round every corner. As part of my Ho Chi MInh to Siem Reap cycle trip, I took a day to see the biggest religious monument in the world.  Discovered by Henri Mouhot in the middle of […]

With landmines still going off across the countryside in Cambodia, the presence of explosives is still very real for the ordinary Cambodian. In the last stretch of my cycle ride, as I approached Siem Reap I discovered the Cambodian Landmine Museum.  It’s a welcoming place which expertly portrays the horrors the country has suffered. A […]

Cycling from Vietnam to Cambodia in the first leg of my Vietnam to the UK trip was a really fascinating journey. After extensive preparation, riding through the street lights that lit up the roads an overwhelming feeling of dread and numbness came over me.  I had never prepared for something so much in my life, […]

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