With the help of Seable, Stephen Campbell, a totally blind man was able to try Scuba Diving.
People must think Stephen to be completely awe-inspiring, to go so far out of his comfort zone, and plunge into the salty depths of the coast of Sicily. Thanks to the hard of lots of people, Seable are now able to provide Visually Impaired Scuba Diving courses.
Here are some pictures from Stephen’s trip in Sicily, Italy.
The first time Stephen dived in, he said
It was a completely new world and everything felt different. It has helped my well being massively, as I have gained confidence through meeting lots of other people and in turn building my network.
Seable put more of a focus on the sensory rather than the visual. Divers are thus encouraged to use all their senses, as instructors pass rocks and shells for divers to feel and play around with. This is carefully guided through step by step, with divers having their own teacher, who instructs, supports and interprets each individual step.
Want to find out more
Seable offer trips with lots of activities for people to try. They work tirelessly in making sure that everyone has an amazing time on their excursions. The offer activities on offer are sure to make you come back for more! Here is their website.