Bullet train in Japan (Video)

The bullet train in Japan is a really quick way to get around the country.  Seeing everything whizz by as we were travelling at 250mph

I was looking to trying out the bullet train, as I had heard so much about it.  Seeing the bullet shaped front of the train looking so sleek was very impressive.  Its aerodynamic wings on its side also added to to its streamlined design.  I was short on time, so I needed to get down to Tokyo quickly.  Taking the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) from Sapporro to Tokyo was the quickest way to get around the country.  The bullet train in Japan has a network that stretches all over Japan, and in its fifty years, there hasn’t been a single casualty.
Wings on top to make it more aerodynamic

Wings on top to make it more aerodynamic


It costs about £250 (from Sapporo to Tokyo),  This includes the trip from Sapporo to the Shinkansen station near the south coast of Hokkaido.  This is on the pricey side and there are definitely cheaper alternatives to get down to Tokyo, including travelling by boat or plane.  You can purchase the train tickets at any train station in Hokkaido.  As all JR lines (the trains in Hokkaido) are connected to the bullet train station in Hakodate.

What is it like on board?

  • Every so often there is a lady who comes down the aisle with food and drinks (a bit like an air stewardess).
  • There is plenty of leg room and it’s very comfortable.
  • The wifi is also very good.

Doing it again?

I think that if you have plenty of time, you should explore other options as it really is an expensive option compared to other available alternatives.

Each train has slightly different design

Each train has slightly different design

Check out more videos from psiclick.


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