Video of the Aurora in Alaska

Watch insane footage of the aurora, as it lights up the Alaskan sky.

Join Ron Murray as he takes you on his journey with a video of the aurora in Alaska. Situated close to the Arctic Circle, Fairbanks is the perfect spot for watching the Aurora as it sits right below the oval of the northern lights.  If you want to join an organised tour then you can take one to either Murphy Dome or Chena Lake.  If you would prefer to go under your own steam, then you can rent a car and look for them yourself.  Scientists can also predict Aurora activity with more accuracy than they can regular weather, so make sure to check the Alaskan Aurora forecast before heading out.

The time of the year you’ll be able to witness the Aurora is between August 21st and April 21st.  If you stay for three nights during this time period, you’ll have a 90% chance of see the lights. .

Map of Fairbanks and places to see the Aurora

Map of Fairbanks and places to see the Aurora. Photo – Explore Fairbanks

Heading out on your own?

For sure, you can do it on your own without going with a tour group.  Just bear in mind a few things.

  • Take your time and go super slow; after all it’s winter and driving can be really treacherous.
  • Never park on the highways.
  • The snow on the sides of the road can get very soft, so drive in the plowed pullouts to not get stuck.
  • Even if the forecast is predicting slim chances of a light show, still go as sometimes you can get lucky!
  • No matter if you are going on your own or a tour, don’t forget to bring a head torch.

What creates the Aurora?

High energy particles are emitted by the sun, and collide with atoms in Earth’s atmosphere.  These particles cause the atom to shift to a higher-energy state.  Eventually they fall to a lower energy state, when this happens they release a proton: light.  This is known as the Aurora or Northern Lights.

Murphy Dome

Anyone that wants to take some insane shots of the Aurora, this is the place to come.  The dome climbs to 2,890 feet altitude, and there are uninterrupted 360 degree views of the spectacle.

Drive up to the top is really pretty, as you make your way through the lowland forest, until you reach the top of the dome.  From there the valley opens up with breathtaking views of the valley below.

Chena Lakes

The lakes are situated 30 kilometres from Fairbanks just off the Richardson Highway.  The area encompasses 2,000 acres/8 km²  and the views are wide open over the large lake.

Looking out over Chena Lake

Looking out over Chena Lake – Photo Explore Fairbanks

Video of the Aurora in Alaska


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